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I was served lemons but I made lemonade.

I thought I would make a blog post about Lemonade by Beyonce and Invasion of privacy by Cardi B. Two very different women with one thing in common; they have both created very successful albums about their partners cheating.

When Lemonade was released I watched the full thing over and over again, it was more like a movie as an insight to Beyonce's life which she is usually very private about. It takes you through the journey of her sadness, anger and forgiveness. I think when everyone watched it was so shocked that anyone would want to cheat on Beyonce. As a young women I couldn't believe she or anyone could forgive someone after betraying them. Never the less I still thought the album was so powerful.

Recently Cardi B has blew up and totally taken over the charts. She is someone who has always been very open with people and featured on a reality show. When she released her album it featured songs talking about her partner cheating on her too, not long after she revealed she was pregnant. As I'm a bit older and know people who have been cheated on I would never judge someone for returning to their partner as you never really know what has happened behind closed doors, every person is different and deal with things differently.

I think most people know someone or has been cheated on before, but why is it so common especially with young people? I think a lot of it is from having "side chicks" normalised in today's music industry.


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