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Grime gone political

This year I didn't think much of the Brit awards however after Stomzy's performance it was all worth it. Stomzy grew up in South London and came to fame through his music videos on youtube.

"What, you thought we just forgot about Grenfell? You criminals, and you’ve got the cheek to call us savages, you should do some jail time, you should pay some damages, you should burn your house down and see if you can manage this."

Chancellor Philip Hammond said in November an extra £28m would be going to help the victims of Grenfell fire. But in reality has enough been done?

It was an emotional performance because it seems that we need a famous grime artists to speak out on such a big show like the Brits just for people's voices to be heard. Hopefully, this is will push the government to stop trying to push everything under the carpet and make some changes.

Another Grime artist using his platform to speak out is Dave, with his rap "Question time". He covers a lot of topics in the rap, questions that a lot of people are asking but not getting any answers. What will it take to get a more transparent government and will that even ever happen?

"A question for the new prime minister: and please tell me if i'm being narrow minded but how do we spend so much on defense and weapons to wage war when the NHS is dying?"

"Privatised health care, guns for police, increase uni fees, is this what they selling us? Well let me remind you just in case you've forgotten that we live in Great Britain not Donald Trump's America".


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